Welcome to Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.!


RAINBOW BRIDGE              

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Our Friend Demo

Please remember Demo and all of our other cats in need!!!!

Demo came to us 10 years ago. He was scheduled to be euthanized at a Wisconsin Humane Society shelter because his eyes were not symmetrical. One eye was higher than the other and because of this the shelter labeled Demo “unadoptable.” The veterinarian that was scheduled to euthanize Demo called Marie, the founder of Feline/ Canine Friends, Inc. (a no-kill sanctuary) and asked her if she would take Demo. Marie, of course, welcomed Demo into her shelter.

We are so thankful that Demo came to us! He became our official house cat. When a new cat came to the shelter, it was frightened and intimidated by the presence of the other cats. Demo had a “special charisma” that seemed to draw other cats to him. Soon after a new cat arrived you would find Demo snuggling with them and welcoming them to the “sanctuary”. They followed him around like the Pied Piper!

Recently Demo became ill and our intentions were to ask for donations to help with the cost of Demo’s veterinary care. We wanted to give him all of the medical attention he needed so that he could get back that special charisma we all loved!

We are sorry to say that Demo died on May llth, at Feline/Canine Friends. He was loved and respected by all at our sanctuary. Please remember Demo by giving a donation in his honor for all of his friends that remain at the sanctuary.

Last year, Feline/Canine Friends, Inc. was able to adopt out and place 130 cats. The majority of the cats that came to us were sick and in need of medical attention. Our veterinary bills continue to exceed the money that we bring in. Approximately 75% of the cats that come to us have special-needs. Now, more than ever, we need your support! Please remember Demo and all of the other special-needs cats that reside at Feline/ Canine Friends sanctuary.!

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